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President Wang Liping won "Ningbo Charity Awards"

2009-05-13          Views:1175

May 12, is first national "disaster prevention and reduction day", and also is the first anniversary of Sichuan Wenchuan devastating earthquake. In such a special day,  the city party committee and the city government held Ningbo charity general meeting, summarized our city's charity working experience, studied and deployed the charity work of next stage, and gave mobilization for this year's charity one-day donation.

To show heartfelt thanks to entrepreneurs who participated in this donation and people in all walks of life who have long been caring about, supporting and participating in Ningbo charities development, pay highest respect to the city's all levels of charitable organizations and vast charity workers, related leaders rewarded the winners of "Ningbo Charity Awards" from every walk of life. BaYinZhaoLu, secretary of municipal Party committee and director of the municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, personally presented "Ningbo Charity Awards" to Wang Liping, President of Guangbo Group.

At the meeting, Wang Liping personal donation of 1 million yuan is used in Ningbo's charities. He showed, philanthropy was a public platform of publicizing fair and just, transferring social wealth and delivering concern. As a member of society, no matter how much ability you have, so long as have hearts, can contribute your share to our charities. This is the way charity is, and also is everyone’s bounden duty.

At last,Secretary Bayin made an important speech at the meeting. He emphasized, charity is the important content of building a harmonious socialist society, and has played an indispensable role in economic development and social progress. The current Ningbo’s development has entered upon a new phase of per capita GDP breakthrough $10,000. This is the period of innovation and development, which accelerate the process of transformation and upgrade and completely improve social economic development. It also is the period of important opportunities, which speed up to develop charity, completely improve the integral level of charity work. The whole city from top to bottom should in-depth study and practice the scientific concept of development, further carry forward the spirit of charity, active in the charity drive, build love city brand together, speed up the construction of harmonious society.


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